Pray for our women and children during trying times.


As we hear so much about emotional and physical abuse of women and children in our country – often by their fathers and intimate partners - and we see the flood of disrespect for them around us and often participate in prolonging the scandal of inequality between men and women, we have to now, during women’s week and month to also approach this painful and dangerous situation on a spiritual and Biblical level.


Look to the Holy Scriptures for comfort and strength.


Remember the words of Isaiah 50:10: “Let the person who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.”  During every challenging time and when we look for answers and direction, Isaiah tells us to entrust it all to the Lord in prayer.


The reason we can trust him with our lives, our circumstances and trust him to overcome the challenges that our daughters, mothers and sisters endure, we all, men and women, have to deal with is because of God’s ‘Name’. The Lord’s ‘Name’ speaks of his never ending grace and of his commitment to all of us. The Lord took an oath by his Name to be our God. The Lord we trust continues to be good, gracious and committed to all of us. We know this, because he didn’t spare Jesus to make us his own.


Uphold our women and children in prayer, intercede for all the ladies, fast for them, and let them know you are praying for them and walking next to them.


As you do that, let me share what the Holy Scriptures say. We can be praying for each other, for our ladies, our daughters and sisters during trying times:


• Pray that the Lord might strengthen our ladies and their faith that God answers prayer, by grace. And let all of us make them strong through our love and respect. James 5: 16 – 20.


• Pray that as the Lord knows us and our circumstances, they might know that God holds them and continues to guide them. Ps 139: 1 – 3 9,10.


• Pray that the Lord will give them comfort as they come to him for protection, mercy, wisdom, answers and solutions. Ps 55: 22 and 2 Cor 1: 3 and 4.


As a church community we want to uphold them before the Lord. As a church community let’s pray for them - in our quiet times, our small groups, and during our family devotions.


We want our mothers, daughters and sisters to know that they are not alone, that we all stand together and that the Lord journeys with us all. In our challenges and our inefficiencies, may the Lord give us the faith and strength to walk God’s journey together, as one!


I look to the Scriptures for comfort and strength. Only through his Word and his Spirit will he guide, protect and keep us. Because Jesus is our help and our salvation.


Let us put our trust in Christ who saves and sustains,

and the love of God will carry us all through every test, tribulation and trying time. May husbands love and respect their spouses as Christ loves us. May all men respect all women and our children and protect them as Christ protects his bride – that is his holy Church on earth. 
