We give honour and praise to you, LORD God Almighty, most dear Father in heaven, for all your mercies and loving-kindness showed to us, in that it has pleased you in your gracious goodness to choose us to be saved before the beginning of the world.
We thank you LORD for creating us, for redeeming us with the precious blood of your Son, when we were lost; and making us holy through the work of your Holy Spirit as we grow in the knowledge of your Word. We thank you for helping and strengthening us in all our needs, for saving us from all dangers of body and soul; for comforting us in all our tribulations and for sparing us so long, and granting us so much time of repentance.
And now we pray, for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to grant us always your Holy Spirit. May we through your Spirit continually grow in gratefulness towards you, be led into all truth, and be comforted in all our hardships.
O LORD, strengthen our faith; that it will grow in passion and love towards you, our LORD, and our neighbours. Let us not, heavenly Father, receive your Word in vain; but grant us always the assistance of your grace and of the Holy Spirit, that in heart, word, and deed, we may bless your Name and worship you, the one and only true God.
Help us to increase and enhance your kingdom; that wherever you send, we may be content with your will. Let us not lack the ability— O Father! — without which we cannot serve you; but bless all the works of our hands, that we may be able to honour you and be helpful to others.
Let your mighty hand and outstretched arm, O LORD, be our defence; let your mercy and kindness in Jesus Christ, your Son, be our salvation. Let your grace and Holy Spirit be our comfort and consolation, unto the end and in the end.
O LORD, grow our faith, teach us your Word and grant us your peace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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