Lent is a season of preparation and repentance during which we ponder our mortality and sinfulness and thus our need to die and rise with Jesus Christ — not only in baptism - but also in the daily mortification of our old self and the resurrection of our new self. We both die and rise during Lent – we both repent and praise!
Through deliberate forms of self-denial, Christians in Lent open their hearts to the self-giving grace of Jesus Christ and their amazing union with Christ.
Reflection on how great our sins and miseries are sharpens our sense of the need and reality for the grace of our Saviour. Sorrow for sin, honest confession of it, and deliberate amendment of our sinful lives is the basic drama of everyday Christian life at the junction of sin and grace. Lent is a time to get very thoughtful at that crossroad, taking to heart our predicament and dire need for God's mercy.
Choose to observe Lent by focusing Sunday worship on repentance.
On the other hand, we have to emphasize that all Sundays, also during Lent, are "little Easters" and thus we should not only appropriately consider repentance, but never seize to praise our Lord for his victories for our sake.
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