Celebrate the heroic women of faith.


August is Women’s Month in South Africa. We celebrate our mothers, sisters and friends who, like during Biblical times, are central to God’s work and are pivotal role-models of how to serve our Lord.


The stories of great women in the Bible are inspirational to women today. Not only do they play a key role in advancing the Kingdom of God (and often they are not recognized for it) but they also prepared many other heroes and heroines of the faith to fulfill their calling.

Mary, mother of Jesus, remained a lifelong support, disciple and friend of the Saviour.

Elizabeth was key to forming and preparing John the Baptist.

Hannah gave a powerful prophet, Samuel, to the temple to serve God fervently.

Lois and Eunice educated a zealous minister of the Word, called Timothy.

And this list goes on to share with us the stories of these brave women and their work for God on all the pages of the Scriptures.


The Bible shares amazing stories about many strong women who played a central role in God’s encounters with his people! Two of the many heroines of faith were the mother and grandmother of Timothy.

The little that the Bible tells us about these two ladies speaks volumes for their character. One verse, 2 Timothy 1:5 says: “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that is also in you.”


Paul was telling Timothy that he saw great character in him and that he would become a pillar of strength in the church. Paul’s letters to the young minister often refer to the things Timothy had been taught and the things he had learned.


Timothy’s grandmother Lois and mother Eunice taught Timothy about the Bible, about God and about Jesus, as they seemed to be diligent students of God’s Word.


We know that without our strong mothers, sisters and women co-workers, the church would have been too poor, even unable, to fulfill her mission and serve her Lord.

We salute you, our mothers and sisters! We confess that through the history of the church you were not recognised as you should have been. We repent of this un-Christlike lack of gratitude and respect.

We honour you and urge you to continue to be as heroic as the women of God always had been in God’s encounters with his people!
