I have been found by God.


There is only one way to heaven. It is not the way of human effort. It is the way where I know that I have been found by God. It is the way of responding in faith to God’s divine initiative. It is the way of surrendering. Surrender to Christ, today, and you will know with certainty that God saved you!


Unfortunately, there is something within us, part of the fallen nature of Adam we inherited, which makes us want to earn our salvation, ourselves. We do not admit that we were found by God, because we believe that we are able to find him ourselves! We feel that if we turn to God (in our own strength) that we will somehow be worthy enough to inherit God’s promise of eternal life with him. There is within us a kind of self-righteousness that makes us want to do it on our own. Then we could say that we got to heaven our way. And we can say to ourselves: We are not that bad, after all!  


But if I completely owe my salvation to God, then I am obligated to give all my life to him. I feel comfortable to try to earn my salvation, because then I will not have any real obligation to God and I do not owe God my very life and all that is part of it!


But the truth is that I cannot pay my own debt to the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ had to die for me, and I must surrender to him as my Lord, to have eternal life. I must give him my life and I cannot set my own terms for serving him.


One of the things that causes the Church to struggle to accomplish its mission, is Christians on membership rolls who are no more committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ than the average unbeliever out there.

Let me therefore ask you, is Jesus King and Head of your life? Be honest. Is Jesus Christ in charge? Do you consult him about what he expects from your life? And if you do and when he gives you his direction (in his Word) do you follow him?


So, quit trying and start trusting:  this is what faith is. Quit trying to do it your way and start trusting in God’s way. Trust that he knows what is good for you. Be obedient whether you understand why he commands things, or not. Be obedient whether you like it or not. Simply be obedient, because Jesus is Lord, and he bought you with his with his blood.


Are you willing to, in such “blind” faith, call on the name of the Lord, because he found you and he only saves you? You have an opportunity to respond to him, by calling on his Name and surrendering your life to him. If you do so you will find assurance of salvation, only by grace.

That is the clear promise of God in his Word.
