Jesus is King over everything and Head of his people, the Church.


From the very beginning of his ministry on earth, Jesus preached (Matt 4: 17) "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. "After Jesus conquered death, sin, the grave, our weak nature and our fierce evil enemy, Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth, both as King over everything God created and as the Head of the Church. And he remains with us, always.


The command of King Jesus is that we should (Matt 6:33) “first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness” and all the things that we worry about and need, will be given to us by his grace, under his authority and through his power – a power experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Seeking, proclaiming, and submitting to the Kingship of Jesus refer, amongst other things, to:

A change in one’s allegiance. If Christ is the King, he deserves our honour, loyalty, and complete obedience. We seek the spiritual growth that submits to his authority and power.

A change in one’s expectations. Jesus made extraordinary promises about his kingdom which we embrace in faith. The kingdom may not yet be fulfilled completely, but it has been established and will last for all eternity.

A change in one’s values. The values of Christ’s kingdom reflect what matters to King Jesus and should guide everything we seek, do, or want to accomplish.

A change in one’s priorities. Jesus challenged his followers to bring the values of his kingdom into their day-to-day lives. “Seeking first the kingdom” requires Christ’s perspective on all our works and the outcomes of our mission.

A change in one’s lifelong mission. Jesus affects the outlook of a person’s life. He gives us purpose and a mission, promoting kingdom values in every aspect of life, extending his message to the ends of the earth, providing to all people, whatever their cultural heritage, the opportunity to give their allegiance to Jesus as their Saviour and King, worshiping and praising him with their own language, in unity with every language and culture on earth, through the Spirit’s work in their lives.


Be blessed when you, as the highest priority in your life, seek the Kingdom of God, submitting to King Jesus, and knowing that everything you need is given to you by our gracious divine Sovereign, our eternal Redeemer, Saviour and Lord.
