The Church is the Household of God.


Could it be true that we live during an age where people do not need the church anymore? This is what more and more people say.


The decline in participation in local churches is the result of a lack of Biblical teaching by the church and about the church. It seems that less people know what the biblical teaching about the church is. Many think the church is optional for believers and even redundant in our generation.


1 Timothy 3:15:. . . I write (to you) so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:15)

This verse says a lot about the church, according to the Bible. Paul speaks about “the church of the living God”, about the “household of God” and about the church as the “pillar of truth”. We need to carefully examine what the Bible says to remain within God’s will when it comes to being part of and maintaining God’s work through his Church.


In our current society we live with a multitude of organizations. Political, civic, social, environmental, sport and business organisations have increased in numbers. Unfortunately, many started to see the church as only another one of these many organisations. As simply another option to choose from. So, the thinking is that if you are interested in a good spiritual cause, you may choose to participate and maintain the church. If it doesn’t interest you, join something else, or just live selfishly, seeking self-gratification without “making a difference”.


This text, however, indicates that the church is much more than simply another good cause. Paul, in writing to Timothy, is instructing him in how one should conduct oneself in relation to the church. As he gives this teaching, he calls the church “the household of God” and the “pillar of the truth”. In saying this, he already indicates that the church has a special importance in God’s plan for our lives and if we want to serve and worship God, we need instruction on how we are to relate to this plan of God.


The church is not optional. Yes, the church needs reformation. And the leaders and members of the church make mistakes and should apologise for it. And the church sometimes communicates in a way that feels not relevant, and we need to repent of that and fix this with God’s help. But the church is not optional!


Jesus Christ established the church. Our Lord did not merely establish individual Christian living, but he established a community, the church. Jesus announced that he would build a community on the confession that he is the living Lord, Saviour and the Son of God. This community the New Testament calls the Church of Christ.


The New Testament simply assumes that people who are believers are part of a local church where they live out their confession about Jesus. The church is not man’s invention, but God’s. Because Christ instituted the church, we should know what it is according to the Bible, and how we should function as a member of it. And the church should figure out how to teach, function and organise herself that her members understand God’s plan for the Church well.


The church is composed of people redeemed by the Son of God, brought together by the will of God to live together as the family of God, to do the work of God!  (David J Hokes).
