Bought, changed and saved to do God’s work.


The church is composed of people redeemed by the Son of God, brought together by the will of God to live as the family of God, in order to do the work of God.
This is possible when we share the truth of God, through the guidance of the Spirit of God, because we desire to know the full counsel of God, as the church of God.


Remember Paul’s words to Timothy: (1 Timothy 3:15) I write (to you) so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is.... the pillar and support of the truth.


There is something special about knowing the truth in the context of the community of Christ’s household. Firstly, learning in the community of faith safeguards the truth. Anyone can go off track. Anyone can misinterpret God’s Word and individuals are prone to over-emphasising one teaching of the Bible to the detriment of others. Within the community of faith, we find the help and support to uphold the full counsel (revelation of the truth) of God. This is why the Church is the pillar and support of the truth.


Secondly, the church is a pillar of God’s truth, because of the biblical promise that God’s Spirit will be present within this community and will guide his people. Although we know that the Spirit dwells in every individual follower of Jesus, God’s promise to reveal and uphold the truth that has to be taught and learned, is given to the community of Christ, as a body.


In church we are not merely expressing our personal opinions or share our private experiences of God’s guidance and help, but we in faith expect God to address his people on the universal, Christian and apostolic truth as revealed in Christ and testified to in the Holy Scriptures. God calls men and women to preach and teach in his Name by the authority given to them to do so by Christ, who guides his Church in calling his servants to do his work.


God confirms the Gospel Truth to his people and applies it to our lives every day.
The church provides the context where we challenge one another to fully live for the Lord based on the truth God has revealed to us in Christ and through the Scriptures.


The true Church of Christ is composed of people redeemed (bought, changed and saved) by the Son of God, brought together by the will of God to serve and worship as the family of God, to joyfully do the work of God.
