How committed to God do you
want to be?
The answer to this question
depends overwhelmingly on one’s view of God, who he is and what he did for us. And
nobody sees the glory of God directly, apart from how that glory is revealed
in God the Son, Jesus our Redeemer and Saviour, through the work of the Holy
Spirit. Any other true view of God
is simply impossible.
In Exodus 34 we find an
encounter of Moses with God who had for some 40 days been in exceptional
fellowship with our living, holy God. Moses heard God saying wonderful things:
We read in verses 5 – 6: Then
the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with Moses and proclaimed his
name, the LORD. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the
LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and
faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness,
rebellion and sin.
Moses learned first and
foremost how completely dependent he was on God’s forgiveness. That he is
not the God of our subjectivity, our feelings, our imagination and our worldly
God is in no
one’s pocket and no human mind has ever come near to grasping his greatness,
his majesty, and his glory.
Everything changes when we
see the true greatness and glory of our God in his salvation plan through his
only begotten Son, Jesus. When we allow God’s divine glory to drain our hearts
of all its trivial, self-centred prejudices and obsessions and excuses about
The foundation of a
Christian’s life is the discovery of the grace and sovereign power of God and
especially, the discovery of how small our thoughts, our ideas, our will, our
plans and our lives are in comparison to the reality of the greatness of the
one and only living, loving, gracious, holy God.
We are in awe that God
deeply cares about us and our lives, our thoughts and our feelings. Although we
too often break away from him, God continuously reconfirms his promises of
grace and mercy to us, when we affirm our response to his grace with
repentance, faith, love, awe and renewed commitment.
That our loving Lord
“welcomes us back” always remains the most amazing of it all.
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